Monday, November 18, 2013

Learning the Joy of Relaxation

Learning the Joy of Relaxation

That's the name of the online relaxation course I created for the education site  

This is a fun way to learn to relax.   A how-to-do-it class delivered in three formats to accommodate your learning style:

(1) Download the PDF text documents.

(2) Sit back and listen to the audios.

(3) Watch the PowerPoint videos.

Do you find it hard to let go and just relax?  Tried mind/body techniques that took too long to get results.  And never experienced that blissful peace everyone talks about.     

Does this describes your self- talk:

·         I find it hard to relax when I take a deep breath.   What am I supposed to feel?  Maybe I’m not doing it right.

·         I try to meditate but it takes too long to learn. I get bored.  I can’t stop my mind from wandering.   So why bother?

·         Visualizing…what does that even mean?  Am I supposed to see pictures?  I don’t.

·         What is the relaxation response anyway? 

Learning how to relax should be a joy…not a chore.  I designed this course to address those worries.  This is a five-part experiential workshop revealing four techniques to experience the ultimate radiant relaxation response.

 In each Learning the Joy of Relaxation workshop you will discover:

1.      Calming Deep Breath  

·         The first thing you should do for effortless results.

2.      Mindful and Mantra Meditation Parts 1 and 2

·         What you should know to stop the mind chatter.

3.      Vivid Imagery Visualization Parts 1 and 2

·         How to do it even when you don’t see images.

4.      Deep Muscle Progressive Relaxation

·         Why it is called the anti-anxiety technique. 

5.      How to Create a Radiant Relaxation Response 

·         The secret formula.

When you complete Learning the Joy of Relaxation you will have experienced relaxation methods that add to your coping ability, energy and quality of life.   You will be able to release tension in minutes and create a calming inner peace.  At any time. Any place.  Every day.

Receive a discount on this new course through December 31, 2013 with coupon code: Joy to Relax. 







Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ten Powerful Stress Busters for the BAM VP Woman in You Wins Gold Award

Ten Powerful Stress Busters for the BAM VP Woman in You Wins Gold Award
Piscataway, NJ – May 6, 2013 - Ten Powerful Stress Busters for the BAM VP Woman in You was honored with the gold award in the 2013 eLit Book Awards, Women’s Issues category.
The eLit Awards are a global awards program dedicated to honoring the best e-books published each year.  The fourth annual eLit Awards are committed to illuminating the very best of the English language digital publishing entertainment.
The book was written by Barbara Mitchell to empower women to take charge of their health and wellbeing with simple, effective stress relief tips and techniques.  Inspirational quotes, guided meditation and links to additional resources encourage anyone new to stress management to continue this wellness journey.
To quote the author, “Taking time to relieve the stress and tension in our fast-paced lives is not just a ‘guilty pleasure’.  Managing stress is vital to our emotional and physical fitness.  Scheduling ‘me time’ to relax, refresh and reenergize should be part of everyone’s daily routine”.
And who isn’t stressed out these days?   “Just reading the whole book, I found myself releasing my stress through meditation and communing with God as I walked on my treadmill," Tiffany McCullough, a customer, said.
It is expected that Ten Powerful Stress Busters for the BAM VP Woman in You will gain the commendations of readers around the world because of its rich content.
About the Author:  Barbara Mitchell, DCH is an author, Stress Management Consultant, Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, and a retired college administrator.  She helps clients experiencing emotional distress, trauma, and burnout move from stuck to enjoying a productive life once again.
Her BAM VP – Be A More Vibrant Person techniques were first introduced during an author interview on the Balancing Act on Lifetime Television.  She is also the author of the award winning book, “When You Need a Timeout” and the relaxation CD, “Just Relax Like This”.
“Ten Powerful Stress Busters for the BAM VP Woman in You is an Amazon Kindle eBook available at     

Thursday, May 9, 2013

What Do Mothers Really Want?

                       What Do Mothers Really Want?


“God could not be everywhere and therefore he made Mothers” – Jewish Proverb


Sunday is Mother’s Day.  The day we lavish Mom with the best Mother’s Day gifts ever.  In addition to flowers the most popular gift ideas include jewelry, perfume, sweets, clothes and gift cards.

If the amount of money spent was the measure of our love, then take a look at these figures.  In 2012 we spent over $18 billion dollars on Mother’s Day gifts.   According to the National Retail Federation we will top that figure this year. 

A Look at the History

Anna Jarvis, like her mother before her, envisioned a memorial day to honor mothers.  Even though she never had children of her own, she made the celebration of a Mother’s Day her lifelong mission.

In 1907 she launched a letter writing campaign imploring politicians, clergymen and civic leaders to institute a national holiday for mothers.   After seven years of unrelenting advocacy her efforts paid off.

On May 8, 1914 President Wilson signed a resolution establishing a national Mother’s Day to be celebrated on the second Sunday in May. 

What Mothers Really Want for Mother’s Day

So what do mothers really want?  Hint:  It does not come with a price tag.  We have birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and other holidays for all of those expensive gifts.  

When our Mothers were asked this question, this is what they had to say:

·         A recent poll showed that nine out of ten mothers wished their adult children would call them.  Spend some time with Mom reminiscing about the good times.    Recounting happy memories that bring smiles.

·         In another poll 43% of Mothers said they wanted sentimental and handmade gifts.

·         Mothers of small children would enjoy time off from being a Mom.   To be served breakfast in bed - without having to clean up afterwards.   

·         Other mothers would enjoy time alone to relax in any way they see fit.   Someone else can take the children to the park or to the movies for a couple of hours.

Anna Jarvis was upset by the way commercialism took over Mother’s Day.  Her vision was a day for mothers to feel loved, appreciated and cherished.   In her own words, “I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit”.  Most mothers would agree that is what they really want for Mother’s Day.


What was your most memorable Mother’s Day Gift?


Monday, March 18, 2013

Why Celebrate Women's History Month?

                    Why Celebrate Women’s History Month?



Let’s look at the history.  For over a century women have been in the forefront, struggling and strategizing for fair treatment in their public and private lives.  Spent stress-filled, anxious hours envisioning a day when they would enjoy the rights all Americans should have. 
Persistent efforts paid off.  Landmark decisions have been handed down regarding the right to vote, equal educational opportunities, birth control, domestic violence and consumer credit practices.

The struggle to end discrimination in the workplace however has been a seemingly insurmountable saga.  In 1961 President Kennedy established the President’s Commission on the Status of Women chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt.   The Commission issued a report in 1963 documenting substantial discrimination against women in the workplace.   The recommendations included fair hiring practices, paid maternity leave and affordable child care that led to: 

·         1963 – Equal Pay Act.  Title VII bars discrimination on the basis of race and sex.

·         1968 – EEOC ruled sex-segregated help wanted ads in newspapers are illegal.  Women can apply for higher paying jobs previously only open to men.

·         1970 - Schultz v. Wheaton Glass Co.  – U.S. Court of Appeals ruled employers cannot change job titles of women workers in order to pay them less than men

·         1974 – Corning Glass Works v. Brennan – U.S. Supreme Court ruled employers cannot justify paying women lower wages because of going market rate.  In other words, a wage differential “simply because men would not work at the low rates paid women” is unacceptable.

·         1978 - Pregnancy Discrimination Act – A woman cannot be fired or denied jobs or promotions because she is or may become pregnant, nor forced to take pregnancy leave if she is willing and able to work.

·         1986 - Meritor Savings Bank v.  Vinson – The Supreme Court finds that sexual harassment is a form of illegal job discrimination.
  • 1993 - Family Leave Act - Federal law requiring covered employers to provide employees job-protected and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons.  Includes personal or family illness, family military leave, pregnancy, adoption or the foster care placement of a child.

But it does not end there.  The struggle for parity in the workplace spans four decades.   Fast forward to the 21st Century.

  • 2009 - President Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act allowing victims of pay discrimination to file a complaint with the government.  Named after a Goodyear employee who alleged and later proved that she was paid 15-40% less than male counterparts.

Women continue to be in the forefront of the struggle for their rights.    This legacy of faith, hope and strength continues with each generation of daughters and has influenced women all over the world.   A proud legacy with impressive gains.  That’s why we celebrate Women’s History Month.