A daily energizing routine of Breath work, Affirmations, Meditation, Visualization and Progressive Relaxation will help you meet each day more Bold, Awesome, Motivated, Vibrant and Powerful.
Did You Celebrate Women's History Month?
"I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman" - song lyrics by Helen Reddy
The women's and feminist movement of the 1970's played a pivotal role in the fight for equal rights in the workplace for women: (1) equal work for equal pay, (2) equal opportunity for promotion, (3) breaking through the glass ceiling and (4) moving into senior management. Having it all. Now that you have it...how's that working for you?
You already have an important job. You have a household to run. Washing, ironing, cooking and cleaning. Married? With children? You have a family to nurture and raise. And that is a 24-7 job, thank you. You take pride in this part of your life. You love what you do and you do it well.
At work you have a career to pursue. You take on duties beyond your job description. Present reports, chair committees, attend conferences and seminars for continuing education. Thanks to mentors in your field you learned the politics of promotion and advancement in your field. Stay on the radar of the decision makers. Don't be sidelined to a supervisor role. Your sights are on a management path. Director, vice president, senior management. That's your goal. You take pride in this area of your life. You love what you do and you do it well.
Each role in your life brings you happiness. But together they can be overwhelming. No one's taking up the slack and no one figured how you were supposed to do it all. The stress, irritability and mood swings are draining. In your body, the stress hormone cortisol, if left unchecked will wreak havoc with your immune system. If you do nothing you are heading toward burnout, illness and disease.
- Make your well-being a priority now. Learn relaxation methods like breath work, affirmations, meditation, visualization and progressive relaxation to help you manage overwhelm, and handle the problems that cause dis-stress.
- Carve out some time away from responsibility to celebrate you. If necessary ask for help with the household duties and put a "do not disturb" sign on your bedroom door. Have breakfast in bed. Read that novel you haven't been able to get to. Or go out for a walk and enjoy nature. Take in a movie. Lunch with friends. Get a mani-pedi and/or treat yourself to a massage. Spend the time doing something that you enjoy.
- Take as much pride in "me time" as you do for your household and career. Take a time out from worry and responsibility once a week, twice a month, as often as you can. Love what you do for yourself and do it well. You've come a long way baby and you deserve it.
So, how did you celebrate Women's History Month? I'd like to know.