Ten Ways to Get Your
Groove Back After the Holidays
“Christmas waves a magic wand
over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful” – The
Rev. Norman Vincent Peale
The joy - and stress of Christmas is over. The office parties, family gatherings and
gift giving will soon be a distant memory.
The holidays give us time to
pause and remember the things that are important in life. Keep the traditions with which we are
familiar. We love making merry and hate
to see it end.
But the demands and expectations, the rushing to get things
done have taken their toll. You’re left
feeling exhausted and burned out from all that magic and joy. And perhaps a little regretful.
Maybe you ate too much and gained a few pounds. Maybe you spent too much even though you had
a strict budget. Maybe it’s just the
quiet of winter. Some people experience
serious mood changes when the season is over.
Tiredness, fatigue, depression and irritability. Or just the blues.
It’s safe to say that
after expending so much energy over the last few months, your body needs down
time to recharge and rejuvenate. You need outlets that help you reduce stress
as well as stay positive and upbeat.
It’s easier to lift your spirits when you have something to
look forward to. The
activities you choose to get involved in for stress relief should afford you a
sense of overall well being. Practicing deep breathing, affirmations,
meditation, visualization and progressive relaxation (BAM VP) top the list for
emotional balance.
Plan some low energy activities over the next few days that you
enjoy doing. For example:
Get out and enjoy
nature – fresh air and sunshine are terrific mood boosters.2. See the show you missed during the holidays.
3. Meet a good friend(s) for lunch and share holiday trials and triumphs.
4. Rent a funny movie and get a good laugh. Laughter is another great mood booster.
5. Listen to music that makes you nostalgic. Puts you in a good mood.
6. Replace negative thinking – the “why does everything happen to me” thoughts – with self-
affirming talk (I deserve to be happy and healthy)!
Interact with a
child, laugh and let your “inner child” come out to play.
Spend the day enjoying
a favorite hobby. Create something with
your hands.9. Take that Christmas gift certificate and buy something just for you.
10. Get a full body massage. An excellent way to feel pampered, invigorate the body and
increase those feel good endorphins.