Like most women you multi-task every day juggling the demands of work, home and family. You rarely find time to take a break and de-stress. In fact taking time out to relax is a "guilty pleasure" you can't afford.
But those stress related symptoms...the irritability, fatigue, that run-down depressed feeling...tell us that "me time" is important for our emotional and physical health. Women who practice relaxation every day are better able to cope with stress related symptoms, illness and disease.
Think you don't have time to fit relaxation in an already too busy day? Five of the most effective stress busters can be done in five minutes or less. Require no special equipment. Just your breath and imagination. All are easy to do and can easily fit into a busy schedule. They are Breath work, Affirmations, Meditation, Visualization and Progressive Relaxation (BAMVP).
Making BAMVP Work For You
Morning Meditation: Time 5 minutes
Beginning tomorrow morning, don't hit the ground running! Set your alarm five minutes earlier to ease into your day. Meditation is about being in the moment. Not letting worries intrude. This is your time for quiet serenity. Use it to reflect on what is good in your life.
Affirmations: Time 0 minutes
During your morning cleanse, look into the mirror and say something good about yourself. While it is easy to find superficial faults, this day you will choose to embrace all that is uniquely you. Positive thoughts about yourself to yourself will lift your spirits.
Meanwhile, take a look at the tasks ahead of you this day. State your intention to succeed in all your challenges today. This optimistic view will raise your self-esteem and boost your confidence.
Breath work and Visualization: Time 1 minute
Periodically during the day, ideally every time you change activities, take a minute to relax and recharge. Put the to-do list on hold. Sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. Beginning on the exhalation, take slow deep breaths from the diaphragm. Inhale. Oxygen fills the lungs, circulates throughout the blood stream and triggers the relaxation response. Muscles relax. Breath and heart rate slows.
Close your eyes and visualize a beautiful memory or proud moment. Make it real by noticing the colors, sights, sounds, smells, who you are with, what you are wearing, etc. Visualization encourages the release of "feel good" endorphins. Puts a smile on your lips. Open your eyes and continue with your day.
Progressive Relaxation: Time 5 minutes
At the end of a long day this deep muscle massage is a great sleep aid. While lying in bed, tighten and relax each muscle group. Begin with the feet. Then the calves, thighs, stomach and buttocks, arms, fists, shoulders, neck and face. Repeat until you feel tension and fatigue drain from your body.
And there you have it. Five of the most effective stress busters in five minutes or less. Breath work, Affirmations, Meditation, Visualization and Progressive Relaxation. All the tools you need to Be A More Vibrant Person (BAMVP). Everyday.